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Scoutbar with Context API

Customize the scoutbar experience

Setting up

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Initialize the Context

First, we need to create the context, which we can later use to create providers and consumers.

import React from 'react'; // this is the equivalent to the createStore method of Redux // const MyContext = React.createContext(); export default MyContext;

Create the Provider

Once that’s done, we can import the context and use it to create our provider, which we’re calling Provider. In it, we initialize a state with some values, which you can share via value prop our provider component. we’re sharing actions along with a couple of methods that manipulate the state. Think of these methods as reducers in Redux.

import { useState } from 'React'; import Context from './context'; import { createScoutAction, ScoutBar } from 'scoutbar'; const Provider = ({ children }) => { const [actions, setActions] = useState([ createScoutAction({ title: 'Get Started', href: '/', }), ]); return ( <Context.Provider value={{ actions, setAction: action => setActions(prev => { return [...prev, action]; }), }} > <ScoutBar actions={actions} /> {children} </Context.Provider> ); }; export default Provider;


import { useContext } from 'React'; import Context from './context'; import { createScoutAction } from 'scoutbar'; export default function App() { const { setActions } = useContext(Context); useEffect(() => { // .....some API Manipulations setActions([ createScoutAction({ label: 'Context Added Action', description: 'Context Added Action with scoutbar', href: '/', }), ]); }, []); return ( <MyProvider> <h1>Hello There</h1> </MyProvider> ); }