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Scoutbar with Broadstate

Customize the scoutbar experience

Setting Up

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Some usage terms you need to be familiar with – createObservable, useBroadState

createObservable, takes in the central state you need to be observed, useBroadState, hooks that handle reading state and dispatching actions Here is a simple example

Create the Observable

import { createObservable } from 'broad-state'; import { createScoutAction } from 'scoutbar'; export const actions = createObservable([ createScoutAction({ title: 'Get Started', href: '/', }), ]); // Other Observable value goes here

Call observable in the App


import React, { useEffect } from 'react'; import { useBroadState } from 'broad-state'; import { createScoutAction } from 'scoutbar'; import { actions } from './observable'; export default function App() { const [state, setState] = useBroadState(actions); useEffect(() => { // .....some API Manipulations setState([ ...state, createScoutAction({ label: 'Context Added Action', description: 'Context Added Action with scoutbar', href: '/', }), ]); }, []); return ( <div className="App"> <h2>Broad State Demo</h2> <ScoutBar actions={state} /> </div> ); }